

Friday, 17 April 2009

the xoxo

Monk's Vision, The
by: Lawrence Le Shan, More Sower's Seeds

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An old monk prayed many years for a vision from God to strengthen his faith, but it never came. He had almost given up hope when, one day, a vision appeared. The old monk was overjoyed. But then, right in the middle of the vision, the monastery bell rang. The ringing of the bell meant it was time to feed the poor who gathered daily at the monastery gate. And it was the old monk's turn to feed them. If he failed to show up with food, the poor people would leave quietly, thinking the monastery had nothing to give them that day.

The old monk was torn between his earthly duty and his heavenly vision. However, before the bell stopped tolling, the monk had made his decision. With a heavy heart, he turned his back on the vision and went off to feed the poo. Nearly an hour later, the old monk returned to his room. When he opened the door, he could hardly believe his eyes. There in the room was the vision, waiting for him. As the monk dropped to is kness in thanksgiving, the vision said to him, "My son, had you not gone off to feed the poor, I would not have stayed."

The best way to serve God is to reach out in service to our brothers and sisters, especially those less gifted than ourselves.


May said...

i've been looking for you for so long...and thanks God I found you here.

Can you give me root cause why ko hilang tanpa jejak..:)

neway, pa kabar? :)

akudagreat said...

manada hilang tanpa jejak wo.. i've been trying to leave something so you can track my jejak.. i am ok now... how bout you? bila mo kasi makan kami karabau ni?

May said...

Apa la sign ko tuk sa spaya sa leh track ko...tedaaaa...no tel ko pun sudah berkubur lama...:)..bsusah payah cari tau..

Kerbau masih tia available tuk kana putung lagi...sa guna kerbau market kali. Tia payah bayar tu tulang, kaki, kapla sama usus. Lau beli seekor trus, consider semua kana bayar....

Neway..sa pun ok ja ni wpun ko langkah bendul...jemput pun tida.nasip ko tia kana petir kan tia jemput sa...:))))

akudagreat said...

ada bah sia jemput semua kawan... sia kasi masuk jemputan d blog c wel, sia kasi iklan d friendster(sampai ada urg kutuk).. sia hantar sms.. no sia mac sama bah kalo ko call my 012, masi ringing tu, pas tu sia tambah ja 019 yang ko tau juga numbur dia... petir? hmm sia kawin 28,29 dan 30 nov.. 20-27 hujan ja.. pas tu 1 dis samapai 5 dis pun hujan ja.. jan jeles... tapi sia kicik hati sikit, x ramai kwn yang datang.. c darlene (adik sia miti pg), c bungs, fab n c helga ja yan sampai sama c marni lion la